I received an article from a friend of mine. It was the July 15th issue of the Chicago Tribune. The headline read, "P&G launches major change in media spending".
In a move that could affect network television and magazines, consumer products giant Procter and Gamble on Wednesday said it is changing the way it allocates its media dollars because the company believes it's no longer efficient to reach consumers just through TV and magazines alone.
The article goes on to say that they have consolidated its 3.5 billion dollar budget Watch Television on PC two agencies. If I were a television executive, I would be a little concerned. After all, P&G is the second largest advertiser TV on Your PC General Motors. They are the maker of Mr. Clean, Tide, Bounty, Swiffer, Charmin, and a bunch of other products.
When you're a giant of a company like P&G, I don't blame them for trying a variety of different TV on my PC to reach their target market, but I TV on Your PC tell you this. They may wish to take a closer look at how they position their products. There's no doubt that their messages are creative and the ads look great, but a lot of the time you still see women portrayed as "little Becky Home Ec-E": women singing and showing their life as "perfect" because of the Swiffer!
They should look at the messages more deeply. It's not that TV is failing in their marketing; the messages are getting old. The stereotypes are changing, and the world is growing up. A closer look at male and female roles in today's society will be the major changes we'll see coming from P&G's ads. The moral of the story is P&G should stay calm and look at how they are positioning their products on TV. They should not pull budgets out of a medium that has built their brands.
How about you? Do you panic when something isn't working? Are you one of those people who have tried TV or radio and have come up with the conclusion, "It doesn't work!"? You're not alone, I assure you. Maybe you should take a good look at the message. I guarantee that this is where you fall short. The words you choose make or break every campaign. Watch TV on PC you're standing for something no one cares about or you're offering something no one wants.
Find the essence of what makes your organization tick that's unique and then craft the words to compel your customers to give you a shot.
Joe Kiedinger is Brander in Chief of Prophit Marketing, a unique and vision-driven marketing organization that helps small to medium-sized business succeed by adhereing to the Prophit Marketing System. The Prophit Marketing System is a process based approach that combines corporate culture with strategy and finally advertising. The emphasis starts with leadership and flows from there. Joe's message has been heard by many through his unique Prophit Marketing Road Show, an entertaining informative presentation that leaves audiences with an action plan for success. Joe also authors Wisdom on Wednesday, a weekly email newlsetter which will enlighten and challenge you to get the most out of your marketing efforts. Visit http://ProphitMarketing.com/ to learn more about the Prophit Marketing system or http://WisdomonWednesday.com/ to subscribe to Joe's weekly email newsletter.