Morning or breakfast TV programs Watch TV a great way to get your message across.
They are usually more informative, relaxed Watch Television on PC friendly than current affairs orientated interviews.
They are often hosted by a team of two presenters - male and female. This format is a popular genre across the world.
It is a really good way to get known fast, build a profile and gain community support for a new idea.
Through a recent experience being interviewed for a breakfast TV program called Wake Up Perth, I want to share with you my insights and reflections.
Learn from my experience so you Watch TV on PC perform at your best.
Here are Five Ways to Maximise Morning TV Interviews:
1. Prepare.
You must work out what your angle, hook or spin is. What is your key message? How can you make this unique, distinctive and memorable?
2. Look Good
TV is a visual medium. TV on my PC must look good and dress well.
3. Supply Suggested Questions
Presenters and producers on breakfast and morning TV work bakers hours (for example they often start at 3 or 4am in the morning) - and this means they often are under time pressures. Watch Tv On Your Pc Today their life easier by supplying a suggested list of questions, short 1-page biography and suggested short introduction.
4. Share Something Personal
Make it personal - remember your audience and the interviewer will want to connect at an emotional rather than logical level.
5. Warm Up Your Voice
Sounding bright and bubbly at 5am or 7am in the morning is a real challenge. Always warm up your voice and be more animated than you normally would be.
Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries. You can subscribe by visiting Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at